Giulio De Pasquale

  • PhD Student, King's College London

I’m a PhD candidate in Computer Security at King’s College London under the supervision of Professor Lorenzo Cavallaro.

My main interests include reverse engineering, automated program analysis and obfuscation techniques. I enjoy fiddling around with open-source software and I am a strong advocate of self-hosted solutions.

I play Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions whenever I can and I have had the pleasure to be part of mHACKeroni, Tower of Hanoi and Shellphish. As part of mHACKeroni, we were able to rank 5th at DEFCON CTF 27 in 2019! I co-founded Phish ‘n’ Chips, King’s College London CTF team.

Music plays an important role in my life: I am a keen fan of Subsonica, I play the drums (since ~2009) and I have recently started learning how to play the bass, guitar and keyboards.

Finally, it’s possible to find me online playing Rocket League, competitive FPS games (mainly Counter Strike: Global Offensive) and, when nostalgia hits hard, either World of Warcraft or Doom (1993). I also hang out in VR from time to time…

You can find me on Mastodon.

Interests. Computer security, drums, reverse engineering and videogames (VR!)


These are some of my open source projects:
